發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2009-03-11 |
【翻譯】Frogs Eat Butterflies. Snakes Eat Frogs. Hogs Eat Snakes. Men Eat Hogs.
(76) |
2009-03-01 |
【翻譯】Do not go gentle into that good night
(4150) |
2009-01-09 |
【翻譯】哈姆雷特 Hamlet
(1049) |
2008-11-14 |
【連載】燈塔行 (12/2)
(230) |
2008-09-16 |
(75) |
2008-06-23 |
【翻譯】莎士比亞的理想國 (選自暴風雨)
(264) |
2008-06-19 |
【翻譯】 黛洛威夫人說她要自己去買花
(127) |
2008-06-16 |
【翻譯】Death, Be not Proud / John Donne
(6512) |
2008-06-16 |
(6692) |
2008-06-16 |
【翻譯】When You Are Old / Yeats
(6278) |
2008-06-16 |
【翻譯】He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven / Yeats
(3845) |
2008-06-14 |
(531) |
2008-04-20 |
(473) |
2008-03-02 |
【翻譯】Love at The First Sight
(102) |
2008-02-29 |
【翻譯】the last good-bye
(118) |
2008-02-29 |
【翻譯】Romeo's sadness
(50) |
2008-02-29 |
(657) |
2008-01-28 |
(93) |
2008-01-24 |
【翻譯】燈塔行翻譯To the Lighthouse
(1449) |
2008-01-23 |
【翻譯】Septimus的意識流 (譯自戴洛威夫人)
(121) |
2008-01-22 |
【翻譯】奧菲利亞之死 (選自哈姆雷特) The death of Ophelia (from Hamlet)
(1880) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】Bright Star! Would I Were Steadfast As Thou Art (Keats)
(2435) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Keats)
(9403) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】To Autumn (Keats)
(4867) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】Ode on Melancholy (Keats)
(3900) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】Ode on a Grecian Urn (Keats)
(16398) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】Ode to a Nightingale (Keats)
(11741) |
2007-12-17 |
【翻譯】Ode to Psyche (Keats)
(1612) |